Powrót do darmowych narzędzi

Narzędzie do sprawdzania H1

Darmowe narzędzie SEOptimer do sprawdzania tagów nagłówków. Sprawdź, czy używasz tagu H1 na swojej stronie.


Czym to jest

The H1 Header Tag is one of the most important ways of signaling to Search Engines the topic of a page and subsequently the keywords it should rank for. The H1 Tag normally appears as visible text in the largest font size on the page.

Jak to naprawić

We recommend adding a H1 Header Tag near the top of your page content and include important keywords you would like to rank for. You should have one, and only one H1 tag on each page. If you are using a CMS, this would normally be entered into the core content section of the page.

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